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Home > News > What is the best way to prototype an idea?
What is the best way to prototype an idea?
A prototyping project plays the role in creating and modeling a physical form to test alternative approaches and to validate the design. Prototyping in system analysis and design will be iterated many times before the final product. Almost every new product will need its prototype examples before it appears in public.
1. Rapid Prototyping
At the initial stage of prototyping projects, the rapid prototyping by 3D Printing is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to present the design from prototype ideas into real objects. Prototype model by 3D printing can create prototypes initially to present a look-alike object originating from the design. Generally speaking, the prototyping models that are created by 3D printing are usually for show looking in short term.
2. CNC Machining
CNC machining produces high-accuracy parts with excellent physical properties directly form a CAD file. Developers proceed the machining projects when they want a prototype model of their new design to do not only the aesthetic presentation, but also functional tests. As a general rule of thumb parts, with relatively simple geometries that can be manufactured with limited efforts through a subtractive process, should be generally CNC machined, especially when producing metal parts. CNC offers greater dimensional accuracy and produces parts with better mechanical properties than 3D printing, which can help the developers to test the functions of their designs. The turnaround time is usually within 2 weeks within short turnaround time.
3. Rapid Tooling
In most cast, the rapid tooling is usually as a bridge between prototype and production, which with injection molding can be the final step before production run. The rapid tooling consists of aluminum or soft steel, a stocked mold base and hand-load inserts. It is suitable when traditional injection molding is either prohibitively expensive or not necessary for the part or volume required. It is therefore a perfect way to minimize the costs when a small batch is required for market testing or when large volumes will not be required in future.
The prototyping model is a systems development method in which a prototype is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed. Although the types of prototyping can be varied in material, scales and technology applications at different prototyping stages, the evolutionary prototyping can greatly help the new product to come into being.
1. Rapid Prototyping
At the initial stage of prototyping projects, the rapid prototyping by 3D Printing is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to present the design from prototype ideas into real objects. Prototype model by 3D printing can create prototypes initially to present a look-alike object originating from the design. Generally speaking, the prototyping models that are created by 3D printing are usually for show looking in short term.
2. CNC Machining
CNC machining produces high-accuracy parts with excellent physical properties directly form a CAD file. Developers proceed the machining projects when they want a prototype model of their new design to do not only the aesthetic presentation, but also functional tests. As a general rule of thumb parts, with relatively simple geometries that can be manufactured with limited efforts through a subtractive process, should be generally CNC machined, especially when producing metal parts. CNC offers greater dimensional accuracy and produces parts with better mechanical properties than 3D printing, which can help the developers to test the functions of their designs. The turnaround time is usually within 2 weeks within short turnaround time.
3. Rapid Tooling
In most cast, the rapid tooling is usually as a bridge between prototype and production, which with injection molding can be the final step before production run. The rapid tooling consists of aluminum or soft steel, a stocked mold base and hand-load inserts. It is suitable when traditional injection molding is either prohibitively expensive or not necessary for the part or volume required. It is therefore a perfect way to minimize the costs when a small batch is required for market testing or when large volumes will not be required in future.